Workbooks for Mongtomery GT 5 Exam Prep


The actual GT5 exam comprises three sub tests:

Raven Test: spatial reasoning (36 items in 40 min), only covered in class, not in the workbook
Reading Comprehension: reading comprehension(30 questions in 40 min)
Qunantitative comparison: Mathematical reasoning (50 items in 20 min)

 The prep package of workbooks
math bundle (36 booklets)
reading/vocab/verbal bundle (36 bundles)
grammar bundle (36 bundles)

Each booklet has a collection of more than 100 simulated questions for pactice.

Prep Package (Accessible from now till the entrance exam in the fall)
The online prep package offers a uniquetiming environment for a serious student to hone the testing skills.
The package includes
- 36 sets of Math Drills
- 36 sets of Drills on Reading Comprehension
- 36 sets of Vocab Drills

E-prep is a trainer program to help the student build their reflex in critical thinking. By no means as repetition, E-prep serves a great companion to workbooks.
