Studio = Study with Video

Traditionally, a classroom is THE learning place where you

  • receive instructions from an instructor (via a white/black board)
  • take notes of the lessons and receive assignments/supplements
  • take quizzes/tests
  • turn in your assignment/receive the grades during the period
  • get involved in discussions


However, the advancement of technology has freed "classroom" into two separate concepts: "Class" and "Room." The class is held in a video format, like Zoom, while the room can be held by course management tools, like Moodle. This detachment has made learning easier since Moodle extends the connection after class. It allows

  • asynchronous access to the assignments/supplements for individual needs
  • replay of lessons in video, extremely useful for learning purpose


Normally, #37 and #38 are the two most challenging questions in SAT math (caculator section).

You may try to solve the following questions first.
Then, enjoy the video showing solutions with TI-84.

#8: ans A  (solution in video)

#37: ans 7000 (solution in video)

#38: ans 5741 (solution in video)